Monday, June 30, 2008

Brilliance of B. Hussein Obama

Think what you want of B. Hussein Obama, but he is a brilliant politician. Because making Wes Clark demean McCain’s military record and coming out the next day proclaiming that nobody’s patriotism should be questioned, is nothing less than BRILLIANT!

With his poor record on patriotism (holding his balls when the national anthem is playing or refusal to wear the flag pin during Democratic primary), Obama kills two birds with one stone. He looks like a good guy defending McCain’s patriotism (not that any sane person would question it) and he makes everyone who raises the issue of Obama’s patriotism look bad and unfair.

Well, Senator, we still have the pictures, don’t we?

So, Obama is trying to make the patriotism issue taboo. Why don't we make taboo EVERY issue on which Obama is loosing?

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

B. Hussein Obama's Presidential Seals: Before and After



* "Superbia" is Latin for "Arrogance"; "Ego sum melior quam vos" is Latin for "I'm better than you are."
** Green flag has nothing to do with B. Hussein Obama being a Muslim, but rather that Obama will change his country to anything as long as he gets to rule it. Is that the "CHANGE" that we "HOPE" for?

How to talk to a NObama cultist




